b'MEMBER NEWSMetal Shark Delivers First of Two Fireboatsto Maryland Fire DepartmentM etalSharkhasdeliveredimproveddownward-anglevisibility,amoreeconomicalcruise30-knot the first of two new weld- crucialwhilemaneuveringalongsidecruise speed, the vessels deliver a nom-ed-aluminum 50 fireboatssmallervesselsorduringman-over- inal operating range of approximately toAnneArundelCountyFireDe- board retrieval. An overhead skylight250 nautical miles.partmentinAnnapolis,Md.Thesearrayprovidesanunobstructedup-vessels will operate across Chesapeakeward view when operating alongsideThe vessels deliver a flow rate in ex-Bay and will be tasked with protectingships or elevated structures, or duringcess of 8,500 gallons per minute, with over 500 miles of shoreline. They willhelicopter hoisting operations.twin3,000GPMself-primingfire enhancethedepartmentsabilitytopumps driven via PTO from the main respond to emergencies on the waterThenew50x16fireboatsfeatureengines.Eachpumpdrawsfromits for Anne Arundel County and neigh- twininboarddieselwaterjetpropul- own dedicated in-hull sea chest, feed-boring jurisdictions. sion for maximum performance anding a central manifold with crossover pinpointmaneuverability,deliveringcapability, which in turn supplies the DesignedbyMetalSharksin-housea top speed in excess of 45 knots. Atentire system.engineeringteamandbuiltatthe companys Franklin, La., shipyard, the new 50 Defiant NXT monohull pilot-house fireboats offer faster speeds en-abling shorter response times, greater pumping volume increasing firefight-ingeffectiveness,andanext-genera-tion design improving efficiency while affording greater safety to firefighters.Thefirstfireboatwasrecentlyde-liveredon-waterfromLouisianato MarylandbyMetalSharkpersonnel whothenconductedoperatortrain-ing with the fire departments crews, readying the vessel to enter service.Thenewfireboatsfeatureawide rangeofenhancementsincludinga climate-controlledpilothousewith top visibility. Metal Sharks signature pillarlessglasswithreverse-raked windshieldsignificantlyreduces blind spots compared to convention-alpilothousefireboatswithsmaller, framed windows. A unique window arrangement, with a second tier of side windows below the beltline, provides 55 SEPTEMBER 2024'