b'MEMBER NEWSMEMBER NEWS Washington State Ferries Wenatchee Expected to Return to Service Summer 2025A fteroneyearatashipyard,theWenatchee,TacomaandPuyal- View a video showing the progress to worktomodernizeWash- lup,werebuiltin1998,1997anddate on the Wenatchee.ington State Ferries (WSF)1999 respectively.Wenatcheeisprogressing,includingAfterwork is complete, the WSF team thenecessaryandlong-plannedup- Majorworkcompletedtodateonwillneedapproximatelyfourweeks grade to its aging propulsion systemWenatcheeincludesremovaloftwotoputWenatcheethroughitspaces andconversiontohybrid-electricpropulsion diesel generators, installa- with additional system checks and sea power.Withcapacityfor202ve- tion of electric power conversion andtrials, as well as training for the vessel hicles,theWenatcheeisthelargestdistributionequipment,upgradestocrews.TheTacomaconversionwill passengerferryintheU.S.tobeobsoletepropulsioncontrolequip- not begin until the Wenatchee returns electrified. WSF originally estimatedment,reconfigurationofpipingsys- to service.workwouldtakeroughlyayeartotems, and build-out of two new bat-complete and now expects a return toteryrooms.OngoingworkincludesThebenefitsofthisprogramare service summer 2025. installationofthousandsoffeetofsubstantial,saidMattvonRuden, electricandfiberopticcable.FromadministratorfortheWSFSystem WSFawardedacontractinSep- there, the battery modules will be in- Electrification Program. When these tember2023toconverttheJumbostalled, and crews will begin to bringpropulsion upgrades are complete, the Mark II class ferries to hybrid-electricthe ferry back to life. This commis- Wenatchee will emerge with improved power and complete the required pro- sioning process is a highly structuredreliability,increasedefficiencyand pulsionsystemupgrades,ensuringsequence of energizing system compo- reduced emissions.thevesselsremainreliablefortheirnents and testing them to ensure they 60-yearlifespans.Thethreeferries,operate as designed. Theconversionofallthreevessels andtheirsupportingterminalswill reduceWSFsdieselfuelconsump-tionbyover4.7milliongallonsper year. The designs will support three modesofoperationdiesel,battery, orhybrid-dieselbatteryproviding increased reliability and resilience.The Jumbo Mark II ferries are the big-Power 2 . 0 gest emitters in the fleet, contributing up to 26 percent of WSFs greenhouse Efficient power for your needs gas emissions. When conversions are complete and the terminals are electri-Through high torque at low revs, prompt powerfied, Jumbo Mark II emissions are ex-response, and agile performance, Scania enginespected to drop by roughly 95 percent. allow operators to utilize the appropriate amount of power at all times. Our job is to help you run a reliable and efficient operation. Today and tomorrow.www.scaniausa.com na.contact@scania.comFOGHORN 52'