b'MEMBER NEWSKitsap Transit Receives Funding forAll-Electric Ferry Demonstration VesselK itsap Transit will receive $1.2 millionforthedesignofan all-electric,zero-emission fastferrydemonstrationvesseland its shoreside charging infrastructure, the Washington State Department of Commerce recently announced.Lastweeksgrantbuildsupona$4 millionstateLegislaturegrantthat willhelppayforthedesignofthe demonstrationvessel:ascaled-down versionofthe150-passengerferry designedbyGlostenandapartner company. The demonstration vessel is intended to prove the viability of the technologyandpreparethewayforThe demonstration vessel will featureHaving a functioning prototype will the first all-electric hydrofoil fast ferrythesamehydrofoildesign,light- also help mitigate design and schedule to operate on Puget Sound. weightcarbonfiberconstruction,risks,increasereliability,andreduce and battery-electric propulsion as thethe program cost and timeline ahead The $4 million grant will be availablefull-sizeferryandprovidefeedbackof the full-scale functional design and startingonJan.1,2025,iftheCli- on the design in real-world scenarios.construction phases. mateCommitmentAct(CCA)isnt repealed.Initiative2117ontheNo-vember ballot would repeal the CCA, which funds the Move Ahead Wash-ingtonlegislationthatallocates$3 billion for public transit over 16 years.If the demonstration vessel proves the technologysviability,KitsapTransit wouldseekfederalfundingtobuild the full-scale vessel. Studies funded by the Federal Tran-sitAdministrationforaBremer-ton-to-Seattleserviceshowthatthe ferry would reduce net carbon-dioxide emissions by 74 percent and cost 35 RENDERING: GLOSTENpercent less to operate than the exist-ingconventionaldiesel-poweredfast ferries currently serving the route.51 SEPTEMBER 2024'