b'MEMBER NEWSPVA atthe National Academyof SciencesO nSept.12,PVABoard Member,andnationaldi-rector of marine operations at City Cruises, John Lake represent-edPVAatahearingconductedby the National Academies of SciencesitscompliancewithDepartmentofments of the maritime industry, the studyingalcoholusetrendsintheTransportation/ U.S. Coast Guard al- majorityofPVAmarinersandem-maritimeindustry.Oneofseveralcohol and drug testing rules, and Sex- ployees go home at night after their maritimeindustryrepresentatives,ualAssaultandSexualHarassmentshifts and an estimated 80 percent or CaptainLakedescribedtheactivi- (SASH) reporting requirements. Hemore of PVA member employees are ties of the passenger vessel industry,alsostressedthat,unlikesomeseg- not credentialed mariners.MEMBER NEWSAll American Marine DeliversHydrofoil Catamaran Patrol BoatA llAmericanMarine(AAM)800 horsepower, the boat has a fullyvideowithtrackingtoassistwith has delivered a 74 diesel alu- laden cruise speed of 24.5 knots, withvessel monitoring duties and spotting minumhydrofoilcatamarana top speed of 27 knots. The 2000-gal- violatorsalongtheCaliforniacoast. patrol boat to the California Depart- lon fuel capacity ensures extended op- Equippedwithstate-of-the-artnavi-mentofFishandWildlife.The74erational range and endurance, criticalgation, communication, and enforce-twin-engine hydrofoil-assisted catama- for long-duration missions. menttechnology,thevesselfeatures ran is equipped to handle a wide rangesophisticatedsystems,includinga of near coastal and offshore missionsAlaunchingandretrievalsystemsuite of Furuno electronic equipment. and will support partner agencies.isintegratedbetweentheaftspon-sons.ThissystemenhancessafetyThe vessel, constructed to U.S. Coast The vessels dynamic hydrofoil systemand reduces the time and manpowerGuard Subchapter T standards, also PHOTO: RICHARD PATCHminimizesdrag,enhancesfueleffi- requiredtodeploythevesselsrigidincludes deck areas for illegal trap sei-ciency, and provides stability and pas- hull inflatable boat. A comprehensivezures, accommodations for up to 10 senger comfort. Powered by two Catadvanced electronics package includespersonnel, and the capacity to host ad-C-18dieselengines,eachdeliveringhigh-resolutionthermalimagingditional passengers for day operations. 49 SEPTEMBER 2024'