b'MEMBER NEWSMEMBER NEWS Competitive Ferry Grants from FederalTransit Administration Will Aid PVA MembersE levenPVAferryvesseloper- sitAdministration(FTA)awardedexpandandmodernizethenations atorswillbenefitbecauseofnear $300 million under three sepa- ferry systems.grants announced on Sept. 16,rate programs from President Bidens 2024.On that date, the Federal Tran- BipartisanInfrastructureLawtoThe FTA awarded 18 grants in proj-ects in 14 states. Some projects involve replacingolderferrieswithelectric vesselsthatreducegreenhousegas pollutionandimproveairquality. Other grants will help expand fleets, build new terminals and docks, and provideshoresidezero-emission technology. Of the 18 projects, eight are receiving federal support for en-vironmentallyfriendlypropulsion technologies,suchaselectricferries and charging equipment.PHOTO CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA WATER EMERGENCY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY,STATEN ISLAND FERRY, KITSAP COUNTY TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT, AND NEW YORK WATERWAYFTAs Ferry Service for Rural Com-munities Program provides competi-tive funding to states for ferry service inruralareas.FTAawarded$194 million to four projects in two states.TheFTAPassengerFerryGrant Program supports capital projects to establish new ferry service and repair andmodernizeferryvessels,termi-nals,andfacilitiesinurbanareas. FTA awarded $56.3 million to eight projects in seven states.The Electric or Low Emitting Ferry Programsupportsthepurchaseof electricorlow-emittingferryves-selsthatreduceemissionsbyusing alternativefuelsoron-boardenergy storagesystems.FTAawarded$49 million to six projects in five states.PVA beneficiaries of these grants in-clude Alaskas Marine Highway; the San Francisco Bay Area Water Emer-gency Transportation Authority; the FOGHORN 44'