b'MEMBER NEWSNEWSWIRE Apply Now to Serve on the U.S. Travel and Tourism Advisory BoardT he Department of Commercevides a forum for discussing and pro- ities and company size (number of iscurrentlyseekingapplica- posing solutions to problems relatedemployees and annual sales)tions for membership on thetothetravelandtourismindustry; U.S.TravelandTourismAdvisoryand (5) provides advice regarding the4. An affirmative statement that the Board(TTAB).Thepurposeofthedomestic travel and tourism industrynominee meets all TTAB eligibili-TTABistoadvisethesecretaryofas an economic engine.ty requirements for representative commerce on matters relating to themembers,includingthattheap-U.S.travelandtourismindustry.InMeetings will be held regularly and, toplicant represents a U.S. company past years, PVA vessel members havethe extent practical, not less than twiceor U.S. organization and that the served on the TTAB. annually,usuallyinWashington,applicantisnotrequiredtoreg-D.C.,orvirtually.Membersreceiveister as a foreign agent under the Applications for membership must beno compensation for their service andForeignAgentsRegistrationAct receivedbytheNationalTravelandmust cover their own travel and lodg- of 1938TourismOfficebyFriday,Nov.1,ing expenses.2024. Submit application information5. Anaffirmativestatementthatthe by email to TTAB@trade.gov. All nominations for membership onnomineewillbeabletomeetthe TTAB should provide the followingexpected time commitments of the Membership on the TTAB is to be bal- information:workofTTAB,whichincludes: anced in terms of geographic diversity,(1)acommitmenttoattendquar-diversity in size of company or organi- 1. Sponsor letter on the companys orterlyTTABmeetings(typically, zation to be represented, and represen- organizationsletterheadcontain- twoin-personmeetingsandtwo-tation of a broad range of services iningthename,title,andrelevantto-threevirtualmeetings),(2)un-the travel and tourism industry. Eachcontactinformation(includingdertakingadditionalworkoutside member shall serve for two years fromphone number and email address)offullTTABmeetingsincluding the date of the appointment and at theof the individual who is applyingregularparticipationinvirtual pleasure of the secretary of commerce. or being nominated, and contain- subcommitteemeetings,and(3) ing a brief description of why thefrequentlydrafting,preparing, The TTAB (1) serves as the advisorynomineeshouldbeconsideredorcommentingonproposedrec-bodytothesecretaryofcommercefor membership ommendationstobeevaluatedat onmattersrelatingtothetravelTTAB meetings.and tourism industry in the United2. Shortbiographyofnominee,in-States;(2)advisesthesecretaryoncluding credentials For further information, contact Jen-governmentpoliciesandprogramsnifer Aguinaga, National Travel and that affect the U.S. travel and tour- 3.Brief description of the U.S. com- TourismOffice,U.S.Department ismindustry;(3)offerscounselonpanyorU.S.organizationtobeofCommerceat202-482-2404or current and emerging issues; (4) pro- representedanditsbusinessactiv- TTAB@trade.gov.FOGHORN 42'