b'Continued from page 4: Letter from the Presidentan employee could use AI and did ourassociated costs, ethical implications,itscapabilitiestoachievetheirgoalsAT THE HELMCompany have any security or copy- andimpactonexistingoperations.and drive long-term success.right concerns. The use of AI involvesBy strategically implementing AI and managing large volumes of data, whichaddressing potential challenges, com- Sincerely,raises concerns about data privacy andpanies can harness the power of AI to security. Companies must ensure thatgain a competitive edge and thrive in their AI systems comply with relevantthe digital age. In the end, the ques-regulationsandstandardstoprotecttion is not whether companies shouldPatrick Murphysensitiveinformation.Additionally,use AI, but how they can best leveragePVA President, 2024 safeguarding against potential securi-ty breaches and ensuring data integrity are critical for maintaining customer trust and regulatory compliance.ETHICAL AND BIASCONSIDERATIONS Public Tickets & AI systems are only as good as the data they are trained on. If the data used isPrivate Chartersbiasedorunrepresentative,AIalgo- .together at lastrithms may produce skewed results that reinforce existing inequalities. Compa-nies need to be vigilant about the ethi- EFFORTLESSEFFORTLESScal implications of their AI systems andRESERVATIONS CONTRACTStake steps to mitigate bias and ensure+ TICKETING for Private Chartersfairness in their AI-driven decisions. for Public Cruises and Group BookingsCHANGE MANAGEMENT Integrated online,Custom PDF contracts TheintegrationofAIintobusinessphone and walk-upwith fully-trackable processes can be disruptive, requiringbookings versioningsignificant changes in how employeesAutomated conrmation,Support for private workandinteractwithtechnology.reminder and follow-upcharters, schools and Effectivechangemanagementstrat- emails tour groupsegiesareessentialtohelpemployeesMarketing and SearchDetailed reports for adapt to new systems and workflows.Engine Optimizationevent planning and Providing adequate training and sup- (SEO) nancial trackingport can ease the transition and helpPersonalized set-up, maximize the benefits of AI adoption. training and supportResource tracking for included multi-use inventoryAI technologies offer a wealth of op-portunities for companies to enhance efficiency, drive innovation, and deliv-er personalized experiences. However,Manage your entire thedecisiontoadoptAIshouldbebusiness from a single, made with careful consideration of theintegrated platformSCHEDULE A DEMOWWW.STARBOARDSUITE.COM39 SEPTEMBER 2024'