b'NEWSWIRENEWSWIRE PVA Safety Awards Nominations toRecognize Performance Above and BeyondI tisnevertooearlytonominateThePVASafetyandSecurityCom- emergency, resulting in a substantial, deservingcrewsorindividuals.mittee encourages vessel operators toandpossiblylifesaving,impact(i.e. Did your crew provide lifesavingnominate qualified personnel for oneman-overboard).actions so far in 2024? Has your oper- of these two safety awards.ation implemented crucial safety prac- ROGER MURPHY NATIONAL ticesthatmakethepassengervesselCAPTAIN ELIZABETH MARINE SAFETY AWARDindustry safer? If so, now is the time toGEDNEY PASSENGER This award is named in honor of PVA be recognized. The deadline to submitVESSEL SAFETY AWARD PastPresidentRogerMurphy,the nominations for the Passenger VesselThisawardisnamedinhonoroffounder of the PVA Safety and Securi-Foundation-sponsoredsafetyawardsCapt. Elizabeth Beth Gedney, whoty Committee and is given annually to is Nov. 30. was PVAs director of safety, security,a deserving employee of a PVA mem-and risk management for many years.ber as recognition for demonstrating, EachyearPVApresentsprestigiousItispresentedannuallytorecognizeenhancing,orcontributingtothe safety awards, which were created byactions by a PVA vessel member andoverall safety of their organization and the PVA Safety and Security Commit- their employees through safety train- the passenger vessel industry.tee and are sponsored by the Passengering, seamanship, and dedication to the Vessel Foundation, to recipients whobest standards of the passenger vesselHOW AND WHEN TO APPLYhavedemonstratedextraordinaryindustry that have resulted in a signif- Clickheretosubmitanomination actionsthatresultinasafermarineicant, positive outcome. More simply,and select the appropriate award you transportation system. actions taken in response to a crisis orwish to nominate an individual, crew, orcompany.Nominationsforboth safety awards are due by Nov. 30. Win-ners will be selected by the PVA Safety and Security Committee, and awards will be presented at the PVA Annual ConventionatMariTrends2025in Navigate Risk WithSavannah, Ga.Confidence For questions about either award, con-USIs maritime specialiststact Eric Christensen at 703-853-0003 combine proprietary analytics,or echristensen@passengervessel.com.broad experience, and national resources to create customized insurance and risk management programs designed to reduce cost and lower risk for your business.Proud supporters of the Property & CasualtyPassenger Vessel AssociationEmployee BenefitsUSI Insurance Services Personal Risk601 Union StreetRetirement ConsultingSeattle, WA 98101 206.441.6300 | www.usi.com2023 USI Insurance Services. All rights reserved.FOGHORN 38'