b'U.S. COAST GUARDThe Value of U.S. COAST GUARDPartnershipP VAparticipatedinapanel discussion on the value of part-nership at the 2024 U.S. Coast GuardChiefInspectionDivision Conference in Washington, D.C., on Aug. 28. The panel provided upcom-ing leaders of the Coast Guard marine safetymissionwithinsightintothe valueofpartnershipsandhowthe CoastGuardandindustryshould worktogethertotacklecurrentand future challenges.U.S. COAST GUARDCoast Guard Publishes Report of Investigation on the M/V Spirit of Norfolk FireO nSept.9,2024,theU.S.causeofthefire.TheinvestigationTheinvestigationyieldedatotalof CoastGuardreleasedthedetermined the cause of the casualtyseven recommendations to the Coast reportofinvestigationintowas a fire that occurred on or aroundGuard ranging from new regulations the fire and total constructive loss ofthe port main diesel engine. The ex- to policy updates.the small passenger vessels M/V Spir- act ignition source could not precisely it of Norfolk on the Elizabeth River,bedetermined.TheinvestigationThe complete report can be found on Norfolk, Va., on June 7, 2022. Whileanalyzed additional factors and sub- the Coast Guard Office of Investiga-the vessel was determined to be a totalsequent events related to the fire totionsandAnalysiswebsite:Marine constructive loss, there were no inju- include fire spread, vessel evacuationCasualty Reports (uscg.mil).ries or fatalities associated with the fireprocedures,firefightingeffortsby or subsequent evacuation of the vessel. vessel crew and responding agencies,Questionsorcommentscan PHOTO: ERIC CHRISTENSENsufficiencyofcompanyoversight,bedirectedtoPVADirectorof The Coast Guard Fifth District Com- sufficiencyofCoastGuardinspec- RegulatoryAffairs&RiskMan-mander convened a district formal in- tion oversight, and Coast Guard re- agementEricChristensenat vestigation to determine the probablesponse activities. echristensen@passengervessel.com.37 SEPTEMBER 2024'