b'example, may be easier than it had been. Alternative fuelsand company-specific goals all come into play as operators may be used by other industries and the supply chains anddecide which new technology best fits their needs. Watson bunkering of these fuels can help vessel operators lookingnoted that before all of that, however, it comes down to to transition to a fuel such as biodiesel.a question of if an operator is building a new vessel or if theyre refitting an existing vessel. Watson noted that in the passenger vessel industry, one may look at the local infrastructure as they consider alternativeIf an operator has a vessel that theyre looking to modify, technologies. If a vessel is always on a set route between twothe easiest (relatively speaking) first option would be alter-specific ports, an operator may look at the options availablenative fuels such as biodiesel or hydrotreated vegetable oil in those ports, such as shoreside electric. Whats happening(HVO). According to Watson, these are drop-in replace-from an infrastructure perspective may lead the operatormentsfortraditionaldieselandtheenginewilloperate to adopt technology that can be best supported by the net- very similarly to how it operates today. He noted that one works being built up around them. challenge with biodiesel is that it cant be stored like regular diesel. There are limitations and the shelf life is different. ThepassengervesselindustryisincrediblydiversewithStill, alternative fuels are often the least challenging option single-boat operations touring lakes to expansive ferry sys- for transitioning an existing vessel from fossil fuel. tems traversing coastal waters to cruise ships on multi-day trips along U.S. rivers. The routes, the types of vessels, theTo consider other propulsion technologies, one must look size of the operations, the regional and local regulations,specifically at the vessel at hand. The operation of the ship IMPROVE YOUR OPERATIONSIMPROVE YOUR OPERATIONSAutomatic intercep eptor trim tab systems.Automatic interc tor trim tab systems.Your new fuel saver.Your new fuel saver.Our ACTIVE interceptor system lowers roll and slamming by up to 50%. It also Our ACTIVE interceptor system lowers roll and slamming by reduces resistance. That means lower up to 50%. It also reduces resistance. That means lower fuelfuel consumption and less CO emissions. consumption and less CO emissions. Easy to install, easy toBENEFITSEasy to inste. Premy to operaology emiumBENEFITSoperatall, easium technte. Prat a ordable pricing.IMPROVED FUEL ECONOMY, UP TO 25% technology at affordable pricing. IMPROVED FUEL ECONOMY, UP TO 25%Made of composite materials for corrosion resistance and optimum perfor- FASTER ACCELERATIONFASTER ACCELERATIONmance, Humphree Interceptor tabs are elec anc powered (12 or 24 volt) Made of composite materials for corrosion resist trice and optimumIMPROVED VISIBILITY AND SPEED IMPROVED VISIBILITY AND SPEEDperformance, Humphree Interceptor tabs are electric powered (12 or 24 volt)LESS ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTand made for a clean transom installation with no aft overhang to contend and made for a clean transom installation with no aft overhang to contend withLESS ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTwith around docks or gear. For any commercial Vessel, 25 feet and up. UP TO 50% LESS ROLL MOTIONSaround docks or gear. For any commercial Vessel, 25 feet and up. UP TO 50% LESS ROLL MOTIONSHUMPHREE CONTACTS HUMPHREE CONTACTSSean BerriePhone: 757 374 9435Brett MarshallPhone: 757 374 9720 Sean Berrie Phone: 757 374 9435Brett Marshall Phone: 757 374 9720 www.humphree.comHumphree USA Inc205-114 First Colonial RoadVirginia Beach, VA 2345429 SEPTEMBER 2024'