b'Li-ion Batteries. Plans are frequently returned for revisionthroughout the process. Your feedback and engagement FOGHORN FOCUS due to lack of information. Ensure submissions include: inform our priorities and are invaluable; questions and rec-ommendations for refining our processes and guidelines The location of exhaust ventilation relative to passengercan be submitted to MSC@uscg.mil. spaces, egress routes, muster stations, air intakes, or ig-nition sources.USEFUL LINKSMSC shared inbox: MSC@uscg.mil Anengineeringanalysisdemonstratingthatthewa- MSC Webpage ter-based fire suppression system is sized appropriatelyPlan Reivew Guides (PRGs)to prevent the propagation of a Li-ion battery fire to anMSC Technical Note (MTNs)adjacent space. Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars (NVICs)Office of Design and Engineering Standards A safety/risk assessment. (CG-ENG) Policy Letters Office of Operating and Environmental Standards A QFA, DVTP, and periodic safety test procedure(CG-OES) Policy Letters (PSTP) Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance(CG-CVC) Policy LettersAll Li-ion battery installations should contain a batteryDepartment of Defense Secure Accessmanagement system that prevents overcharging, overvolt- File Exchange (DoD SAFE)age, undervoltage, and provides thermal management.Maritime Commons BlogCG Maritime Information Exchange (CGMIX)Due to the inherent risks of Li-ion batteries, risk abatementApproved Equipment Listtechniquesarelesscleanlydelineatedbetweenspecific systems. Cross referencing plans, as applicable, will reduce the chance of inadvertently returning drawings for missing information which is already provided in other plans.Please watch for additional interpretations and guidance regarding Li-ion battery installations, which will be an-nounced on the Maritime Commons and reflected on the MSCs website. About the Author CONCLUSION LCDR RACHEL THOMAS, P.E. Through this article and Navigating Plan Review & Em- MACHINERY BRANCH CHIEF bracing Innovation, we hope to improve communicationsU.S. COAST GUARDwith vessel representatives and provide best practices forLCDR Rachel Thomas leads the Machinery Branch, plan review submittals. By using the available resources,whichconductsengineeringreviewsoftraditional vessel representatives can submit high quality plans withand novel system designs for safety and environmen-confidence, thereby enabling timely plan review and ap- tal compliance. Her previous assignments including proval by the MSC. We will continue striving to provideserving as a student engineer on USCGC ALERT, top notch engineering support and to provide up-to-dateand as an apprentice and journeyman marine inspec-information in our policies and PRGs. However, we recog- tor at Sector San Francisco. Thomas is a Professional nize every vessel is unique and welcome early and frequentEngineer licensed in Colorado under the disciple of communicationsregardinganyregulatoryambiguities.thermal and fluid mechanical engineering. She holds While vessel representatives are ultimately responsible fordegrees in naval architecture and marine engineering, project management and for submitting the appropriatemechanical engineering, and advanced energy systems plans in a timely manner, we remain committed to serv- with a focus on sustainable energy.ing industry in a timely fashion and are available to help FOGHORN 16'