b'It is not sufficient toI nclude a bill of materials which contains the item identi-FOGHORN FOCUS fication, description, pressure rating, temperature rating, include a general note material and design specification, etc. Notate the working fluid and the maximum allowable working pressure of all indicating that equipmentsystems containing fluid, even if they are not high-pres-will comply with a sure applications.required specification.Rigid non-metallic piping (plastic) onboard Subchapter K vessels is required to meet Subchapter F, which requires Rather, material the piping to be type approved to series 164.141 and in compliance with the International Maritime Organiza-specifications and/or thetionsResolutionA.753(18),GuidelinesfortheAppli-cation of Plastic Pipes on Ships. In contrast, non-vital manufacturer make andplastic piping onboard Subchapter T vessels only needs to have characteristics adequate for its intended service and model must be provided toenvironment, to the satisfaction of the cognizant OCMI.demonstrate compliance. When including type approved equipment, such as fire sup-pression systems or marine sanitation devices, indicate the applicable Coast Guard type approval number. Equipment date. Typically, a separate revision history table highlightsmust be manufactured during the period of validity of a the changes effected in each revision.Coast Guard type approval certificate, which remains valid for the life of the equipment. A database of Coast Guard Explicitly state the regulatory framework to which thetype approved equipment is available on the Coast Guard plansweredesigned,particularlywhendesignedtoaMaritime Information Exchange (CGMIX), linked below.standard incorporated by reference. For example, unless our staff knows that a system was designed to high speedELECTRICALcraft (HSC) rules, plans could be inadvertently retunedOvercurrent protection should be as close as practicable for revision due to noncompliance with the more com- to the power source to minimize the length of unprotect-monly used structural standards. ed conductors. Overcurrent protection devices can only provide protection for cabling and devices downstream Be explicit about which drawings are to be reviewed vs.of the overcurrent protection device. provided for reference only.Powerconversiondevicessuchasinverters,DC-DCFor any resubmittals, clearly indicate what details haveconverters, rectifiers, and chargers, should be verified been changed in the latest revision and how previouslyagainstthemanufacturersguidanceforconductor identified issues have been addressed. lengths and sizes, and any additional required overcur-rent protection devices.MACHINERYIt is not sufficient to include a general note indicatingForvesselswithmicroprocessorandcomputerbased that equipment will comply with a required specifica- propulsion engine control systems, use CG-Commercial tion. Rather, material specifications and/or the manu- Vessel Compliance Policy Letter 17-07 as a guide for sub-facturer make and model must be provided to demon- mitting an appropriate qualitative failure analysis (QFA) strate compliance. and design verification test procedure (DVTP). As per 46 CFR 121 and 46 CFR 184.620, a test that removes All flexible hose shall be SAE J-1942 compliant with SAEprimary and secondary power, demonstrating that loss J-1475 compliant end fittings, unless explicitly allowedof power does not result in an increase in shaft speed or for the specific application or service.propeller pitch, is generally sufficient.FOGHORN 12'