b' Not all plans need to be submitted simultaneously; how-Previouslyapprovedplansmaybeextendedtootherever, each individual submission should contain enoughvessels in accordance with MTN 01-11, Change 2, Plan informationandcontexttobeindependentlyreviewed.Approval Extension (PAE) Procedures. Please note plans For example, hull structural drawings should be submittedwill not be extended unless all information in the exten-with supporting calculations, but do not need to be sub- sion request form is accurate and without typos. Plans mitted simultaneously with machinery or electrical plans. approved based on an equivalency determination are not eligible for extension. Reference MTN 01-11 for further For new construction vessels, provide a copy of the appli- restrictions and for the standardized submittal form in cation for inspection, Form CG-3752.Plan review cannotEnclosure (1). be initiated on a new construction project without Form CG-2752 as the vessel particulars, hull material, desiredGENERAL INFORMATIONpassenger count, route, operating area, etc. are used toProvideprojectspecificssuchasthevesselname,hull determine the applicable regulations.number, Coast Guard number or official number, and the MSC project number, if assigned. When initiating a ReviewssubmittedunderNVIC10-92,Change2,project, provide a project description including the scope Coast Guard Recognition of Registered PE Certifica- of work to be completed, the anticipated project time-tion of Compliance with Coast Guard Requirements,lines, and any operational constraints.shouldclearlyrequestexpeditedreviewinaccordance with NVIC 10-92, include the PEs stamp, and include a The title block of submitted plans should include the ves- certification statement.sel identification, plan name, the revision number, and 11 SEPTEMBER 2024'