b'NEWSWIRE NEWSWIREDont Overlook Your Annual CCF ReportingT hePassengerVesselAssoci- affidavit that the program participantshallconstituteamaterialbreach ationscoredatremendouscompany is complying with the CCFoftheparticipantsCCFcontract legislative victory in 2022 byqualification terms. The report mustobligations.Amaterialbreachcan helping to make MARADs Capitalbe filed within 90 days of the close ofultimately lead to program disqualifi-ConstructionFund(CCF)programeach program year and must include acation, liquidated damages, as well as availabletoalldomesticoperators.certification by an independent certi- back taxes, interest, and penalties for The CCF program allows participantsfied public accountant as to the accura- all income sheltered dating back to the theopportunitytocreatetax-shel- cy of submitted financial information. year participation commenced.tered accounts to be ultimately used forvesselreplacementorsubstantialTo assist in the annual report filing,PVA CCF program participants who renovation.The2022expansionoftheMARADregulationsincludehave questions are well advised to con-CCF availability has resulted in manyasamplereportformatfoundat46tact their accounting professional wellAndrew PackerPVAmemberssuccessfullyapplyingCFR Part 390, Appendix III and canbefore the reporting deadline. The in- Senior Manager, Global Application Engineering and entering the program. be viewed here. formational submission requirementsWatersport enthusiastare comprehensive and may take sig-Asareminder,especiallyfornewThe failure to make an annual reportnificantpreparationtime.Evenso, participants, continued program eligi- can lead to serious consequences. Cur- thetaxsavingbenefitscanbequite bility requires the filing of an annualrentMARADregulationsprovidesubstantial,notwithstandingannual report,confirmingtoMARADbythatfailuretomakeatimelyreportreport requirements.WHAT CAN MAKE AN ENGINE RUNSIGNIFICANTLY LONGER?28 years of experience enable us to extend TBOsADVERTISERS INDEX of a legendary workhorse far beyond the norm.ABB Marine, Inc. 32 Flagship Marine Inc 21 Rigidized Metals Corporation 39All American Marine . 41 Furuno USA, Inc. . 15 RocketRez 30Assured Partners . 27 Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding. 11 Rose Point .6BAE Systems 10 Hamilton Jet .6 R.W. Fernstrum Co 42 Providing ever cleaner, safer and more competitive solutionsBay Ship and Yacht. 15Humphree USA 6 Scania USA . 50 is always on our mindeven when were not at work.BRIX Marine . 47 IMTRA Corporation 33 Schottel 19Burger Boat Company 13 Incat Crowther 49 Starboard Suite 53Carus Cruise Inc. 46 John Deere Power Systems 52 Twin Disc, Inc. 40 Talk to Andrew about Caterpillar Marine . 48 Kohler . 11 UES Seating 44 our celebratedCrowley 34 Kongsberg 44 USI Insurance Services. 45 mtu Series 4000 engine.Cummins Sales & Service 5 Metal Shark . 43 Volvo Penta 2DeJong and Lebet . 21 mtuA Rolls Royce solution . 57 Yanmar . 54Eastern Shipbuilding Group 19 Passenger Vessel Foundation 51www.mtu-solutions.comFOGHORN 56'