b'NEWSWIREAnnual PVF Region Competition Open for RegistrationScenes from the PVF Region Competition at the 2024 PVA Annual Convention at MariTrendsO ne of the highlights at each years PVA Annual Conven-tionatMariTrendsisthe PassengerVesselFoundation(PVF) RegionCompetition.ThiseventisPublic Tickets & afun,oftenraucous,team-buildingPrivate Chartersexperience where all five PVA regions.together at lastcompeteagainsteachother(Great Lakes,OriginalColonies,Rivers, Southeast, and Western). EFFORTLESSEFFORTLESSRESERVATIONS CONTRACTSTo compete, each region fields a team+ TICKETING for Private Chartersof 20, with an entry fee of $100 perfor Public Cruises and Group Bookingsteammember.Regionsareawarded handicaps reflective of completion ofIntegrated online,Custom PDF contracts a full 20-person paid roster. This an- phone and walk-upwith fully-trackable nual region competition is not only abookings versioningteam-building experience but a sourceAutomated conrmation,Support for private of great entertainment to spectators,reminder and follow-upcharters, schools and and most importantly, benefits PVFsemails tour groupsmission of furthering education and thedevelopmentofsafetyresources.Marketing and SearchDetailed reports for Engine Optimizationevent planning and At the upcoming convention, the re- (SEO) nancial trackinggion competition will be tug of war. The competition rules and guidelinesPersonalized set-up,Resource tracking for training and support can be found here.included multi-use inventoryRegister your team here. Manage your entire business from a single, PHOTO: SARAH FERRETTIintegrated platformSCHEDULE A DEMOWWW.STARBOARDSUITE.COM53 AUGUST 2024'