b'MEMBER NEWSMEMBER NEWS San Francisco Bay Ferry Seeks Bidsfor High-Speed Electric VesselsS anFranciscoBayFerry(SFTheupdateddesignofthesmallercationoftheTreasureIslandFerry BayFerry)hasunveileddesignvessels is focused on maximizing tran- Terminal, and construction of a Mis-renderingsforhigh-speed,ze- sit ridership and the rider experience,sion Bay Ferry Terminal with electric ro-emission, battery electric vessels assaid Seamus Murphy, SF Bay Ferrysvessel charging capabilities.part of their Rapid Electric Emissionexecutive director. That means doing Free (REEF) ferry program. everything we can to provide a serviceThe first vessel is expected to enter ser-thatiscomfortable,convenient,fre- vice in 2026. Fellow PVA member Au-Theagencyisseekingbidsfromquent and fast enough to make transitrora Marine Design (AMD) completed American shipyards to build the bat- theprimaryoptionforcommutersthe design of the vessel in partnership tery electric ferries. The opportunitiesandresidentstravelingtoandfromwithSFBayFerryandotherREEF can be viewed here. There will be twothese growing neighborhoods. collaborators.Tomeetoperational 400-passengervesselstooperateonneeds for charging technology and giv-thesystemsCentralBayroutesandTheREEFProgramalsoincludesen the shorter trip times expected for three150-passengervesselsthatwillconstructionofanewelectricthis class of vessel, the design features serve San Franciscos Treasure Islandcharging float for the Downtown Sanahighlyefficientpropulsionsystem and Mission Bay neighborhoods.FranciscoFerryTerminal,electrifi- enabling quicker docking than tradi-tional ferries, safe battery technology that supports rapid charging and wid-er, self-deploying boarding ramps that We take the heat,improve the disembarkation process.so you dont have to. SFBayFerryhasassembledanin-Cool. Because you need it. We deliver cool based ontegrationteamforREEF,ensuring your reality. So no matter where you operate, hot daystechnologyandequipmentusedfor and heavy loads will never slow you down.the battery-electric vessels and infra-structure work seamlessly together to maximize system flexibility, resilience, and cost-effectiveness.ASwedishenergystoragefirmwill PHOTO: AURORA MARINE DESIGNGRIDCOOLERWEKA Omega supplythebatteriesfortheREEF Keel Cooler Boxcooler Laser Platevessels.InJuly,thecompanybroke ground on a manufacturing facility in fernstrum.com| 1.906.863.5553| sales@fernstrum.comMarysville, Wash., ensuring that the ISO 9001:2015 new zero-emission vessels will be pow- 2023 R.W. Fernstrum & Company. All rights reserved. FERNSTRUM and GRIDCOOLER are registered trademarks of R.W. Fernstrum & Company. Allered with American-made batteries. other trademarks cited are the property of their respective owners.FOGHORN 42'