b'Continued from page 4: Letter from the PresidentPVA REGULATORY PVA ASSOCIATE COUNCIL thatisavailablethroughourmem- AT THE HELMCOMMITTEE Thecouncilrepresentstheinterestsbers is impressive.Committee members examine and dis- of PVA associate members and serves cuss regulatory policies and issues thatas a sounding board for this memberAs a result, I hope each of you will take affectthepassengervesselindustry.segment. Members are elected to servea few minutes of your time to reach Knowledge of the regulatory process isterms on the council. In-person meet- out to a colleague or a crew member not required as PVA staff looks to PVAingisheldduringthePVAAnnualand encourage them to become more membersforunderstandingaboutConvention at MariTrends. involved in our association by joining how current or proposed regulationsa PVA committee. Greater member in-impact PVA member businesses. Contact Tosca Pinder, USI Insurancevolvement is an important investment Services, at tosca.pinder@usi.com. in the future of our association.ContactPVADirectorofRegula-toryAffairsandRiskManagementPVAisprivilegedtohaveastrongSincerely,EricChristensenatechristensen@baseofmembersfromallcorners passengervessel.com. of our country, with representation fromliterallyeverytypeofpassen-PVA EMERGING LEADERSgervesseloperation.TherangeofPatrick MurphyCOMMITTEE knowledge,experience,andtalentPVA President, 2024 This committee is made up of both vessel and associate members who are future leaders in their companies and, hopefully, in PVA. Committee mem-bers are typically younger individuals who have either just entered the in- INNOVATIVEdustryorwhoarequicklyclimbing the ladder.UNIQUE Contact Zack Reed, Ballyhoo Media,PROVENat zack@ballyhooboats.com.PVA MARKETING ANDMEMBERSHIP COMMITTEEThisnewlyreorganizedcommittee focuses on developing tools and pro-gramswhichattractnewmembers and on new products which provide meaningful member benefits.Contact PVA Director of Marketing andCommunicationsKatieHillat khill@passengervessel.com.ALLAMERICANMARINE.comSales@allamericanmarine.com | 360.647.7602Scan the QR Code to learn more about this vessel and more at AAM.41 AUGUST 2024'