b'U.S. COAST GUARDNational Merchant Mariner Medical Advisory Committee Seeks New MembersT heU.S.CoastGuardisMedical certification previously held. Healthcareseekingapplicationsfor12determinations for the issuance ofprofessionals should include membership positions on thelicenses, certification of registry, andinformation on relevant licensure, National Merchant Mariner Medicalmerchant mariners documents withcertification, or training.AdvisoryCommittee.Thevacanciesrespect to U.S. merchant marinersinclude eight positions for healthcareThose interested in applying for the professionalswithexpertise,knowl- Medical standards and guidelinescommittee membership will need to edge,andexperienceregardingthefor the physical qualifications submit a cover letter, rsum detailing medicalexaminationsofmerchantof operators of commercial vessels relevant experience, and a brief biogra-marinersoroccupationalmedicine;phy, as detailed in the Federal Register andfourpositionsforprofessional Medical examiner education notice which is available here. marinerswithexpertise,knowledge, andexperienceinoccupationalre-Medical research. ProfessionalInterestedapplicantsshouldcontactquirements for mariners. mariners should include their PamelaMooreat(202)372-1361or U.S. mariner reference number pamela.j.moore@uscg.milwithany Thecommitteeadvises,consultsfor all credentials currently orquestions. with,andmakesrecommendations to the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security through the com-mandant of the Coast Guard on mat-tersrelatingtomedicalcertification determinationsfortheissuanceofdecorative | durable | functionallicenses, certification of registry, and merchantmarinersdocumentswith respecttomerchantmariners;med-ical standards and guidelines for the physical qualifications of operators of commercial vessels; medical examiner education; and medical research. PVAstronglyencouragesmember participationinCoastGuardadvi-sory committees. PVA currently has nomembersservingonthisCoast Guard committee. If selected, com-mittee members serve for a period of three years. Completed applications are due Sept. 4, 2024. USCG-Certied Light-Weight Aluminum Applicants for the committee shouldHoneycomb Panels for Passenger Ferriesdocument their expertise, knowledge,rigidized.com/markets/marineand experience on matters relating to: 658 Ohio Street | Buffalo, NY 14203 | marine@rigidized.com39 AUGUST 2024'