b"U.S. COAST GUARDU.S. COAST GUARD Seeking Applications to National Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory CommitteeT he U.S. Coast Guard is accept- InthesolicitationforcommitteeThree marine educators who ing applications to fill elevenmembers, the Coast Guard will con- represent other maritime training vacanciesontheNationalsider applications for eleven positions,institutions (other than academies), Merchant Marine Personnel Advisorywhich include: of which one may also representCommittee.Thiscommitteeadvisesthe small vessel industrythesecretaryoftheDepartmentofFour U.S. citizens holding a valid HomelandSecurity(DHS)viathemerchant mariner credential Two individuals who represent commandant of the Coast Guard on(MMC) including: shipping companies employed in mattersrelatingtopersonnelintheship operation managementU.S.MerchantMarine,includingOne credentialed deck officer who the training, qualifications, certifica- represents merchant marine deckTwo individuals who represent the tion,documentation,andfitnessofofficers who shall be: general public. Note, this is open mariners.PVAstronglyencouragesto vessel operating members and member participation in Coast Guard Endorsed for an inland associate members who are interested. advisorycommittees.SeveralPVAor river route of limited or memberscurrentlyserveonCoastunlimited tonnage Each member of the committee must GuardandDHSadvisorycommit- have expertise, knowledge, and expe-tees. If selected, committee members Endorsed as master of rience on matters related to personnelserve for a period of three years. towing vessels in the U.S. merchant marine, includ-ing the training, qualifications, certi-Applicationsmustincludeacov- To the extent practicable,fication, documentation, and fitness erletterexpressinginterestinanshall represent labor. of mariners.appointmenttotheNationalMer-chantMarinePersonnelAdvisoryTwo credentialed engineeringAll members serve at their own ex-Committee,arsumdetailingtheofficers, of which pense and receive no salary or other applicant's relevant experience for thecompensation from the federal gov-positionappliedfor(includingtheOne shall be endorsed ernment.Theonlycompensation Coast Guard-issued mariner referenceas chief engineer of the members may receive is for travel number if applicable), and a brief twounlimited horsepower expenses, including per diem in lieu to three paragraph biography writtenof subsistence, and actual reasonablein third-person perspective. Applica-One shall be endorsed eitherexpensesincurredintheperfor-tions should be submitted via email toas chief engineer of limitedmance of their direct duties for the megan.c.johns@uscg.mil with subjecthorsepower or designatedcommittee in accordance with Fed-lineApplicationforNMERPAC.duty engineer eral Travel Regulations.Completeapplicationsaredue Oct. 1, 2024.T For more information, click on the be-o the extent practicable, one shall represent management low link to the Federal Register notice dated Aug. 2, 2024. One credentialed rating, endorsed as able-bodied seamanFOGHORN 38"