b'(CG-840) used by many marine in- that caused the detention. The CoastWorking and living conditionsSAFETYspections during annual inspections.Guardwillusedetentionincidents Thesedocumentsarealsoavailableas a measure of a vessel or companysMARINE CASUALTIESin the member download area of theability to operate safely. Therewere1,821marinecasualties PVA website.reported in 2023 involving 2,146 in-As stated previously there were eightspectedvessels.Ofthose,499or27 VESSEL DETENTIONSdomestic passenger vessels detained inpercentinvolveddomesticpassenger The process of detaining a domestic2023. The detention rate for domesticvessels. The top three types of casual-passengervesselhasbeenaroundpassenger vessels was 0.12 percent.ties experienced by domestic passen-since2018.Vesselsaredetainedger vessels were:where there is objective evidence thatThe Coast Guard identified the fol-deficiencies noted during an inspec- lowingdetentiondeficiencyareas Material Failure/Malfunctiontion or exam can be traced back to afor 2023: 48 percentbreakdowninthecompanyssafety management system (SMS). For com- Fire safety (same as 2022) Loss/Reduction of Propulsion/panieswithoutaSMS,adetentionSteering15 percenthighlights a companys lack of proac-Propulsion and auxiliary machinery tive management of their safety or en- Collision, Allision, or Grounding vironmental policies and procedures. Safety management 14 percentThe impact of a detention goes be-yond just clearing the requirement(s)Certificates and documentationThe Coast Guard/PVA Quality Part-nership has a working group chartered tolookatslips,trips,andfallsdata to see if there have been any changes inincidentsoverthesix-yearperiod following the initial study and white paper put out in October 2017. Slips, trips,andfallscontinuetobethe highestpercentageofpassengerand crewinjuries.Theworkinggroup should complete their work and pro-vide results and recommendations to determine if there are any areas where further guidance to members can re-duce slip, trip, and fall casualties.The PVA Safety and Security Com-mitteewillcontinuetomonitor casualtyanddetentioninformation to determine what more can be done toassistmembersinmaintaininga proactive safety culture and reap the Turnkey Solutions for Passenger Vessels benefits of a safe and secure opera-Vessel Design & EngineeringConstruction Managementtion environment. Interior Design SolutionsVessel Conversion & RefitsThe full Coast Guard 2023 Domestic Annual Report can be found here. To learn more, visit crowley.com/engineeringFOGHORN 34'