b'LEGISLATIVE REPORTLEGISLATIVE Dont Run Afoulof Seamans Protection Act RICHARD PATCH // LEGISLATIVE DIRECTORAsettlementbetweenfederalstatute,whichisdesignedtoployee that works on the vessel.Read recent MaerskLine,Limited(theprotect vessel workers who blow thethe statute in full here.U.S.flagsubsidiaryofthewhistle about unsafe working condi-Danishshippingconglomerate,tions and subsequently suffer certainThe law says that the employer may MaerskLine)andtheU.S.Depart- retaliatory action by their employers.not discharge or in any manner dis-mentofLaboroverawhistleblowerPenalties for violation of the Seamanscriminate against a seaman in the fol-discrimination case put the SeamansProtection Act can be quite severe. lowing circumstances if the seaman:Protection Act and its impact on vessel owners, in the spotlight. The statute is found at section 2114In good faith has reported or is of title 46 United States Code. It pro- about to report to the U.S. Coast PVA vessel operators should be awarevides certain protections to a seaman,Guard or other appropriate Federal of the Seamans Protection Act. Em- a term not defined in the statute, butagency that the seaman believes that ployersdonotwanttoviolatethiswhichpresumablyincludesanyem- a violation of a maritime safety law or regulation has occurred I n good faith has reported or is about to report to the vessel owner, Coast Guard, or other appropriate Federal agency sexual harassment or sexual Do you feel like youreassault against the seaman or knowl-edge of sexual harassment or sexual drowning in operationalassault against another seamanchallenges? Has refused to perform duties ordered by the employer because the Our ticketing platform addresses key challenges like financial management, seaman has a reasonable apprehen-staff training, and operational efficiency to become your ally in streamliningsion or expectation that performing tasks, boosting growth, and simplifying your life. such duties would result in serious injury to the seaman, other seamen, or the publicestified in a proceeding brought toTenforce a maritime safety lawor regulationFind out what smooth sailing looks like Notified, or attempted to notify,with our modern ticketing platform. the vessel owner or the secretary of the department in which the Coast rocketrez.com Guard is operating of a work-related personal injury or work-related illness of a seamanFOGHORN 30'