b'expectations for employees, but also allows for controls toThe regulatoryidentify risks and subsequent mitigation. Initial develop-ment and implementation require time and effort as wellframework is changing, as buy-in from employees. Once implemented and properly maintained, an SMS will improve daily operations, emer- and it is extremely likely gencyresponseandwillprovebeneficialforregulatory inspections, surveys and audits.that SMSs will be required Wendella Sightseeing Boats for small passengerYou can do it! It is not as complicated as folks may believe.vessels in the near future.The first step is to see what you are already doing. I guaran-tee if you are a PVA member you are already knee deep in safety and you have access to the building blocks and toolsHENRI LEVESQUEthrough membership. The next step is to do a self-assess- SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, LLC ment. PVA has a great tool for this. Identify where youre vulnerable. Is it training? Is it in documenting engineering issues and maintenance? Is it crew and passenger injuries?and realize the benefits, he said. The regulatory frame-Do you document corrective actions? It is all about de- work is changing, and it is extremely likely that SMSs will creasing injuries, measurable progress, and continual im- be required for small passenger vessels in the near future. provement. Keep that in mind. Once you determine whatWorking on implementation now will help save costs and you are missing you start there and never stop! provide owners with a better system that suits their needs. SMSs have been proven to reduce both the number and se-Levesquealsohadencouragementforoperatorsconsid- verity of adverse events. They will help promote the safety ering an SMS for their fleet. We would say prepare nowof your vessels, crews, and passengers.29 AUGUST 2024'