b'InOctober2023,theNationalTransportationSafety FOGHORN FOCUS Board (NTSB) issued recommendations to the U.S. Coast Fire detection in an Guard to require retrofitting of fire protection equipment onsmallpassengervesselsbuiltbeforeMarch10,1997, unmanned engine roomwhich are currently exempt from these requirements.can greatly increase theAlthough the recommendation only applied to Subchapter response time of the crew.K vessels (small passenger vessels carrying more than 150 passengersorwithovernightaccommodationsformore Similarly, fire suppressionthan 49 passengers), Subchapter T vessels (small passenger vessels under 100 gross tons) fall under a similar grand-systems give the crew fathering which exempts fire protection requirements as well. Upgrading vessels to meet these requirements would the best chance of be prudent considering the NTSB recommendations. extinguishing the fire atThe NTSB report explains the relationship of early crew response and the ability to control an engine room fire varying stages of the fire.in the early stages. Fire detection in an unmanned en-gine room can greatly increase the response time of the crew.Similarly,firesuppressionsystemsgivethecrew PVA Welcomes New MembersNEW ASSOCIATE MEMBERFAIRWEATHER MARINEJERRY L. CARNEY STABBERT MARINESERVICES LLC & ASSOCIATES, INC. & INDUSTRIALSTEPHANIE HAWNEY JERRY L. CARNEY, SR. BRYAN NICHOLSSkagway, Alaska Abita Springs, La. Seattle, Wash.stabbertmaritime.comIf you know of an organization that may benefit from membership in PVA,please have them learn more at passengervessel.com/#join.FOGHORN 18'