b'1. Theincreasedpotentialforcyber-attackarchitect.Thesub-committeewillalsobehull pitting and welding repairs, CO 2safety,orunauthorizedmanipulationofcontrolproviding input to the Coast Guard Office ofmachinery ventilation, etc., will be addressed, systemssettings.ThisisparticularlytrueEngineering and Design Standards and MSCevaluated,andrecommendationsmadeto asenginemanufacturerspursuenewandon how to improve the plan review guidancethe Coast Guard and marine industry alike. innovativetelemetrytechnologies.Thisand allow for the acceptance of other lightingLookforfutureFOGHORNarticlesfrom could result in the potential for a two-wayfixture standards.sub-committeemembershighlightingthe street for accessing sensitive propulsion orwork of the committee.powerplant software settings. The potentialFUTURE PROJECTSfor hidden back doors to be programmedThe initial list of projects developed by theIf anyone is interested in learning more about into imbedded code are a concern.subcommitteenumberovertwodozen,sothecommitteeorhasanideaforaproject, there is no lack of work moving forward. Ar- pleasereachouttoEricChristensenonthe 2. The reduction in accountability for the pro- eas such as circuit protection, battery safety,PVA staff at echristensen@passengervessel.com.tection of sensitive settings and calibration. Currently, there are checks and balances that preventunauthorizedaccesstothemost critical engine/powerplant code. 3. The potential for emissions standards to beviolatedthroughunauthorizedmanipula-tion of source code and fuel mapping. 4. The potential for critical warnings, enginehistory, and alarms to be bypassed or erased. 5.Thepotentialforinadvertentpurchaseof used equipment that has been tampered with. The sub-committee recommended to the PVA Board that the association join the Coalition Against Illegal Tampering as it relates to com-mercial passenger vessel critical, vital systems and control.CURRENT PROJECTSThe sub-committee is currently working on an issue that has evolved over time as electrical reg-ulations in Subchapters K and T have become dated for the reasons mentioned above. The regulations as written do not consider low volt-age LED lighting, and certain UL standards incorporated by reference for lighting fixtures are no longer valid. The Coast Guard Marine Safety Center (MSC) issued an update to their plan review guidance document for electrical plan submission that created additional con-cerns due to the addition of low voltage stan-dards and updated UL standards for lighting fixtures to replace those in the regulations that had been canceled. Using the revised plan review guidance, MSC hasworkedwithnavalarchitectsandvessel operators to approve lighting fixture installa-tions on a case-by-case basis; however, these approvals are not shared within the industry so that individuals seeking similar installations are left to reinvent the wheel.The sub-committee is in the process of com-piling individual approvals to build a repos-itory for use by any vessel operator or naval 25 SEPTEMBER 2022'