b'PRECISE 360 PROPULSION PLUS FULL AUXILIARY POWER EXCEED GLOBAL EMISSIONS STANDARDSOperate a lightweight vessel equipped with hybrid or electric engines. Reduce your operating and maintenance costs. Minimize your environmental impact. BUILD A CARBON FIBER FERRYTwin Disc Marine Control Drives (MCDs) allow variable propellerMARINE speedfrom full engine output to slower than engine idlewhileCONTROL splitting main engine power to drive FiFi pumps or other auxiliaryDRIVEequipment. The MCD-2000/4000/5000 series covers extended diesel power requirements from 1680 kW (2280 HP) to 5250 kW (7130 HP)with heat dissipation capabilities up to 450 kW (610 HP).And our Veth Z-drives provide 360 thrust for optimal vessel maneuverability and positioning.If you want the ultimate in slow-speed maneuverability, highly accurate positioning and simultaneous, full-firefighting capability, specify Twin Disc and Veth Propulsion on your next tug build.VETHFor expert engineering assistance to assure your optimal product specifications Z-DRIVEand performance, contact Klaus@TwinDisc.com.Learn about Americas only carbon T- and K-Class ferry builder:www.ARCADIA-ALLIANCE.comIMPROVE YOUR OPERATIONSIMPROVE YOUR OPERATIONSAutomatic intercep eptor trim tab systems.Automatic interc tor trim tab systems.Your new fuel saver.Your new fuel saver.Our ACTIVE interceptor system lowers roll and slamming by up to 50%. It also Our ACTIVE interceptor system lowers roll and slamming by reduces resistance. That means lower up to 50%. It also reduces resistance. That means lower fuelfuel consumption and less CO emissions. consumption and less CO emissions. Easy to install, easy toBENEFITSEasy to inste. Premy to operaology emiumBENEFITSoperatall, easium technte. Prat a ordable pricing.IMPROVED FUEL ECONOMY, UP TO 25% technology at affordable pricing. IMPROVED FUEL ECONOMY, UP TO 25%Made of composite materials for corrosion resistance and optimum perfor- FASTER ACCELERATIONFASTER ACCELERATIONMade of composite materials for corrosion resist trice and optimumIMPROVED VISIBILITY AND SPEED mance, Humphree Interceptor tabs are elec anc powered (12 or 24 volt) IMPROVED VISIBILITY AND SPEEDperformance, Humphree Interceptor tabs are electric powered (12 or 24 volt)LESS ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTand made for a clean transom installation with no aft overhang to contend and made for a clean transom installation with no aft overhang to contend withLESS ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTwith around docks or gear. For any commercial Vessel, 25 feet and up. UP TO 50% LESS ROLL MOTIONSaround docks or gear. For any commercial Vessel, 25 feet and up. UP TO 50% LESS ROLL MOTIONSHUMPHREE CONTACTS HUMPHREE CONTACTSSean BerriePhone: 757 374 9435Brett MarshallPhone: 757 374 9720 Sean Berrie Phone: 757 374 9435Brett Marshall Phone: 757 374 9720 www.humphree.comHumphree USA Inc205-114 First Colonial RoadVirginia Beach, VA 2345411 SEPTEMBER 2022'